Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Day 2561: 07 May 2014 Wednesday, Madeleine Beth McCann, Media Interference

Day 2561: 07 May 2014 Wednesday, Madeleine Beth McCann 
7th of May, 2014. We are devastated with the way the media has behaved over the last couple of days in relation to our daughter’s case. 
7th of May 2014 - Media Interference 
We are dismayed with the way the media has behaved over the last couple of days in relation to our daughter’s case.
There is an on-going, already challenging, police investigation taking place and media interference in this way not only makes the work of the police more difficult, it can potentially damage and destroy the investigation altogether – and hence the chances of us finding Madeleine and discovering what has happened to her. As Madeleine’s parents, this just compounds our distress. We urge the media to let the police get on with their work and please show some respect and consideration to Madeleine and all our family.
Thank you.
Gerry and Kate

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