Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Day 2455: 21 January 2014 Tuesday, Madeleine Beth McCann, Unidentified People of Interest to the Inquiry

Day 2455: 21 January 2014 Tuesday, Madeleine Beth McCann


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Have you seen these men? Do you know who they might be?

These two pictures show a man carrying a child away from the family's apartment. This sighting was seen by a witness at 21:15 on the evening of Thursday, May 3rd, 2007. 

Based or more recent information, the Metropolitan Police now believe this man may represent a guest at the Ocean Club who was carrying his daughter back to their apartment. However as it is not possible to be certain that these two men are actually the same person, if you have seen this man in the pictures or suspect who it may be, please contact the Metropolitan Police's OPERATION GRANGE on 0207 321 9251 (0044 207 321 9251 from outside the UK) or and/or the Find Madeleine team on +44 845 838 4699 or 


The picture shows a man that was seen several times by different witnesses during the days leading up to Madeleine's abduction on May 3rd 2007. He was described as ugly with pock-marked skin and was said to be watching the family's apartment intently. 

If either of these men appear familiar to you in some way, please contact our investigation team as soon as possible

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