Day 2059: 21 December
2012 Friday, Madeleine Beth McCann
As we approach the end of another year, we’d like to thank everyone
again for their amazing support.
It is both heart-warming and reassuring to know that after all this
time Madeleine still remains in so many people’s hearts and minds.
This solidarity and commitment gives us great hope. Thank you.
The Metropolitan Police Review of all the material in the inquiry
has been underway for over eighteen months.
We have been really impressed and greatly encouraged by the work
which has been done and its findings to date which are revealing there are
definitely many stones yet to turn. We continue to wait and hope that the
Portuguese authorities will agree to reopen the case so that the many lines of
enquiry can be investigated. As Madeleine’s parents, we won’t be able to rest
until we know that all that can be feasibly done to find her, and the person
who took her, has been done.
In the meantime, we will continue to do all that we can to aid the
search for our daughter and assist the Review process.
This year, Madeleine’s Fund has paid for:
1. A 24 hour, 7 day a week telephone line to receive and capture
information from around the world which may assist the investigation
2. A small investigation team, including a Portuguese speaker to
help with the above and with campaign activities.
Since March 2012 independent ‘physical’ investigation of lines of
enquiry by our team has been put on hold whilst the Metropolitan Police Service
(MPS) Review progresses. This has been to avoid duplication (and thereby
unnecessary expenditure) and to prevent the risk of compromising any work,
albeit unintentionally, carried out by the MPS. The private investigation team
employed by the Fund continue to cooperate and work with the Metropolitan Police
as and when necessary.
3. Part-time administrative support to aid the investigation and
campaign to find Madeleine (campaign coordinator and media liaison)
4. The awareness-raising campaign to ensure that Madeleine is not
forgotten and to encourage the general public to remain vigilant. This has
included the running of the Find Madeleine website.
5. Assistance from a specialist Portuguese communications agency to
ensure that our message is communicated as widely and accurately as possible in
Portugal, where support and help to find Madeleine is especially needed.
We are very aware that without public help it will be virtually
impossible to find Madeleine. It would have been incredibly difficult for us to
have maintained a search for her this long without such support, including
donations to the Fund. Due to the sales of my book, ‘Madeleine’, the financial
position of the Fund has significantly improved from a year and a half ago so
we would like to reiterate our gratitude to everybody who bought the book. This
has helped the search in more ways than one. Whilst fund expenditure has
decreased over the past six months (due to a reduction in investigation
spending as outlined in point 2) the Directors feel it is important that the
fund maintains reasonable reserves so that the search for Madeleine can be
resumed quickly should the MPS review not lead to a reopening of the case in
Portugal. We desperately hope of course that the official investigation to find
Madeleine will be reopened – and soon – as we still believe this is probably
our best chance of finding our little girl.
Despite becoming stronger in ourselves and being able to create as
special a Christmas as possible for our children, this time of year will never
be as it should without Madeleine. Whilst Gerry and I think it constantly, Sean
and Amelie now vocalise it, especially when doing something really nice like
putting up the decorations….”If only Madeleine was here too…”
- If you know what has happened
to Madeleine, or where she might be now, please, please do the right
thing: Find the compassion and courage and let us know. Thank you.
This past weekend we sat and opened the many, many Christmas cards
which have been sent to us, at what is now our sixth Christmas without
Madeleine. The majority were from people we have never met. It was once again a
very humbling yet totally uplifting experience. We are deeply touched by the
thoughtfulness and compassion which we continue to experience and for the love
and hope which shine through for Madeleine. Thank you so much. It means such a
lot - and helps us immensely.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of our supporters. We wish you a festive
period full of laughter, warmth and friendship – and hope for a special 2013.