Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Day 234 - 23/12/ 2007 Sunday

Day 234 - 23/12/ 2007   Sunday



As most of you will know by now Kate and I did an appeal for broadcast on TV yesterday. This was a desperate attempt to get someone who knows what happened to Madeleine to come forward and end our misery and the dreadful situation for everyone. Madeleine should not be spending Christmas away from her loving family. The person who took Madeleine has it in their power to end our suffering and will be able to appease their conscience that they have done the right thing- especially at this time of year

As I have stated Christmas will be a very quiet affair for our family without Madeleine present. Kate and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time at this busy time of year to write to us and let us know Madeleine and our family are still in their thoughts and prayers. We still have at least one hundred cards to open! As always, every single one will be opened and read and the support expressed helps renew our determination to find Madeleine.

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